Friday, July 18, 2008

Sex even Sells Condos

Ok this may not be a funny video in itself but it is funny and a bit wierd. Imagine - the mantra is "SEX SELLS" and despite that the real estate market is down and almost at a complete hualt - a builder uses the oldest profession with new technology and video to help promote and sell his Condo's.

This gentlemen [ term used sparingly ] created a youtube video with a cadly sexy model spoke woman to promote his condo's. he even promotes a contest to win a free condo - the entry fee is only $50 for a chance to win.

For you people out there that want to make money - take a page from this guy - Sex sells, and creativity createst the best mass marketing.........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The sex even sells condos is very super....

Tamil Actor vijay

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